
PF-07321332 is an orally active covalent inhibitor of the 3C-like protease by direct binding of the catalytic cysteine 145. 3CL protease cleaves polyproteins 1a and 1ab of SARS-CoV-2, a step required for reproduce the virus. The PF-07321332/ritonavir combination drug (trade name Paxlovid) is efficient for the treatment of COVID-19 as, in November 2021, Pfizer announced phase 2/3 clinal trial results that the drug treatment reduced 89% in hospitalizations when given within three days after symptom onset. This product is for research use only.

Additional Information

Product Name: PF-07321332
Also Known As: PF07321332, Paxlovid, 3CL protease inhibitor
Catalog No.: F1000-50
Size: 50 mg
Molecular Weight: 499.53 g/mol
Species: N/A
Source: Synthetic
Stock: Powder
Concentration: N/A
Quality Assurance: >99% by HPLC and NMR
Storage: Eligible for room temperature shipping. Store at -20°C upon receiving; protect from air and light.
PDF Data Sheet: PDF DatasheetMSDS
NCBI RefSeq: N/A
Image(s): (Click image to enlarge)

(Click image to enlarge)

Solid cirlce: 20µM Dabcyl-KTSAVLGSGFRKME-Edans (substrate).
Triangle : Substrate + 80nM GST-3CLPro (catalog# V2010))+ 10µM PF-07321332 (catalog# F1000).
Square: Substrate + 80nM GST-3CLPro.
Shipping Method: Room temperature shipping
References: Vandyck K, Deval J, (2021) Current Opinion in Virology. 49, 36-40.


PF-07321332 is an orally active covalent inhibitor of the 3C-like protease by direct binding of the catalytic cysteine 145. 3CL protease cleaves polyproteins 1a and 1ab of SARS-CoV-2, a step required for reproduce the virus. The PF-07321332/ritonavir combination drug (trade name Paxlovid) is efficient for the treatment of COVID-19 as, in November 2021, Pfizer announced phase 2/3 clinal trial results that the drug treatment reduced 89% in hospitalizations when given within three days after symptom onset. This product is for research use only.