
Ub75 lacks the amino acid glycine 76, which is required to form thioester bond with Ub activating enzyme E1. Therefore, Ub75 can not react with E1, E2 and E3 enzymes; and does not support ubiquitination. It can be used as a negative control in ubiquitination reactions; or to assay binding of Ub with Ub binding proteins or ubiquitination enzymes. This product can be used in pulldown assays to determine ubiquitin-binding proteins.

Additional Information

Product Name: GST-Ubiquitin(1-75)
Also Known As: GST-Ub(1-75)
Catalog No.: E1210
Size: 1 mg
Molecular Weight: 8.5 kDa
Species: Human
Source: Bacterial recombinant
Stock: 20 mM Tris, 150 mM NaCl, 2 mM βME, 10% Glycerol
Concentration: See tube label
Quality Assurance: ~95% by SDS-PAGE, see datasheet for gel image
Storage: Store at -80°C; avoid multiple freeze-thaw cycles
PDF Data Sheet: PDF DatasheetMSDS
NCBI RefSeq: N/A
Image(s): (Click image to enlarge)

Coomassie-stained SDS-PAGE
Lane 1: Molecular weight markers
Lane 2: 5 µg purified GST-Ubiquitin(1-75)
Shipping Method: Dry ice shipping
References: 1. Hershko A, et al. (1980) Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 77(4), 1783 – 1786.
2. Pickart CM (1997) FASEB 11(13), 1055 – 1066.
3. Hershko A, et al. (1998) Ann Rev Biochem 67, 425 – 479.
4. Jiang X, et al. (2012) Nature Reviews Immunology 12, 35 – 48.
5. Bremm A, et al. (2012) Methods Mol Biol 832, 291 – 228.


Ub75 lacks the amino acid glycine 76, which is required to form thioester bond with Ub activating enzyme E1. Therefore, Ub75 can not react with E1, E2 and E3 enzymes; and does not support ubiquitination. It can be used as a negative control in ubiquitination reactions; or to assay binding of Ub with Ub binding proteins or ubiquitination enzymes. This product can be used in pulldown assays to determine ubiquitin-binding proteins.

(Click image to enlarge)

Coomassie-stained SDS-PAGE
Lane 1: Molecular weight markers
Lane 2: 5 µg purified GST-Ubiquitin(1-75)